It is a well-known fact that there are hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of vape juice flavours. The Best Vape Juice in Sydney, NSW is…well, it all depends on you. But certainly, these juices are what makes the vape world go ‘round. So what makes the vape juices? What is in it? How does it get its flavour? Let us take a look at how these wonderful vape juice are made to be so…wonderful!
Best Vape Juice Sydney, NSW, What is it?
Vape Juice is sometimes also called e-juice or e-liquid, they are the same banana.
The vape juice is the liquid that is turned into vapour by a device called an e-cigarette.
A Short Lecture on E-Juice or E-Liquid
In just a short span of time, vaping has become a leading habit, shared by a very large number of people around the world.
Currently, in Australia, over 500 vape juice sellers have been operating…and that’s just an estimation of the growing industry. Albeit to be blunt, not all are of high quality. There are a number of e-juices that have been tested to be of poor quality. It is a must that the customers make sure that the vape juice they will be acquiring is of the best standards.
Vape juice has to be made in a highly professional laboratory. Chemistry is primarily involved in the blending of the e-liquid ingredients.
What Makes a Vape Juice?
There are four main components in a vape juice.
1. Propylene Glycol (PG)
This is an organic substance that people have been using for over a century and has been found to be safe for human consumption.PG can be found in everyday products such as toothpaste, shampoo, and even medications. By brushing your teeth or washing your hair, you are most probably using PG. This substance looks like smoke when vapourized. If you have ever attended a concert and seen the fake mist of smoke being used during the production, it is, most often, the vapourizing of PG.
Be aware that PG absorbs water, meaning it has a mild dehydrating effect. The substance is still important for some flavouring, but presently, most available vape juices have gone down to PG contents as low as 50%. Nevertheless, vegetable glycerin evens its dehydrating effects out.
2. Vegetable Glycerin (VG)
This substance is extracted from the palm plant and is a thick, sticky fluid. There may be other sources of VG, palm plant is just the main source that companies utilize to make their vape juice.
VG is deemed safe for human ingestion. It can be found in food production, medicine, cosmetics and more. Also, due to its sweet taste, it can be used as a sweetener. In addition, it is a preservative, which is used in a variety of food preparation. It could also be found in a majority of lotions and cosmetics.
Nearly all the e-juices in the market are composed of up to 50% VG. Due to its ability to create a lot of vapour, this is a good liquid for e-juice. Compared to PG, however, this vapour is more subdued.
3. Flavouring
All flavours in the e-juice are food-grade. But that does not mean that all food-grade flavours work well in a vape juice. To make it clear, there are ingredients that are not suitable when vapourized. It is then very advisable to buy vape juices from a company that is professional and actually blends and bottles e-liquids in a good, working environmentally-friendly laboratory setting.
A state-of-the-art facility and a team of highly qualified technicians are necessary to fully accomplish the complex composition of a vape juice.
4. Nicotine (optional)
This ingredient is pharmaceutical grade and drawn out from tobacco plants. This is an addictive substance and should not be used by children or expectant mothers.
There is now a new type that has emerged though. Nicotine salt Vape Juice is taken from the salt in the stems of the tobacco leaves. This is advantageous for those who want to vape more nicotine but do not want to endure the harshness of it.
But always take note that Australia has been warier of selling and buying vape juices that contain nicotine.
Read more here: Online Vape Shop now Sells the Best Affordable E-Juice & E-Cigarettes
Store that Offers Best Vape Juice Flavours
Do you find yourself running out of e-juice but perhaps already bored with the usual flavours? Often wonder where you can get the best and safest vape juice?
You can always go to iVape.Sydney! We are proud and very confident to say that we have the Best Vape Juice in Sydney NSW. Reliable and well stocked with the best flavours you could possibly want, you would not have to think twice about our products!
So order NOW, or CALL us at (02) 9597-4080. We will have your order ready and at your doorstep just in time!
*Vaping may be as harmful to your health as tobacco cigarettes, please conduct your own research & vape at your own risk.